CME Scoreboard |
Prediction for CME (2013-03-15T06:54:00-CME-001)CME Observed Time: 2013-03-15T06:54ZiSWAS Layout URL: CME Shock Arrival Time: 2013-03-17T05:28Z Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters due to CME: Max Kp: 6.33 Dst min. in nT: -132 Dst min. time: 2013-03-17T21:00Z Predicted Arrival Time: 2013-03-17T00:00Z Prediction Method: H3DMHD (HAFv.3 + 3DMHD) Prediction Method Note: (Arrival Prediction by Chin-Chun Wu submitted to this system by M. Leila Mays) On Mar 15, 2013, at 8:39 PM, Chin-Chun Wu wrote: H3DMHD predict CME (March 15, 2013, 06:54: COR2A/B) driven shock will arrive at Earth at 00UT on March 17, 2013. Estimated speed of CME from COR2 of STEREO-A/B is ~1000 km/s. Source region of this CME located at N09W02. Links to the movies of the simulation results: Have a nice weekend! Chin-Chun WuLead Time: 28.82 hour(s) Difference: 5.47 hour(s) Prediction submitted by Leila Mays (GSFC) on 2013-03-16T00:39Z |
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